I Complained of Sexual Harassment and got Fired. What Should I do?

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Discrimination at any place of employment is illegal, and this includes sexual harassment. Although retaliation is common, it might also entitle you to compensatory damages from the court. If you were fired for complaining of sexual harassment at work, you should contact our law firm right away. Leeds Brown Law is a firm dedicated to representing the interests of our clients in a variety of cases including sexual harassment and retaliation.

Know Your Legal Rights

According to federal, state and local laws, you have a right to report sexual harassment without fear of reprisals or retaliation. However, many employers violate these laws or remain aloof to the complaints. The legal system provides you with some recourse, but you need to contact an attorney as soon as possible to find out how to respond. You might need to file a claim with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, or EEOC, for example. Our experienced sexual harassment lawyers can advise you on how to proceed in your case.

Filing a claim with the EEOC might open you up to retaliation, which might include termination of your employment. Although this is a distressing experience, you need to know that it is also illegal. Employers who do this are violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which protects workers from sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of gender. However, as a plaintiff in a legal case, it is your responsibility to prove that the employer violated your rights while you were engaged in activities under the protected status of employment. Our legal firm can walk you through this process to ensure that your case is as strong as possible before going to court.

Documentation of Events

Sexual harassment and wrongful termination claims are most likely to succeed in court when you have accurate documentation of the events. For example, if you complained about the sexual harassment in writing to your employer, but were only fired after filing an EEOC complaint, the causal relationship is easier to prove. Early consultation with a lawyer is also helpful in this respect. Our firm can help you to understand the kind of documentation you need in order to prevail in court. We can inform you of your rights under the law and provide advice and assistance as the case develops over time.

NY State Law, New York City

Both state and city laws offer legal protections to employees engaged in work activities when the sexual harassment occurred. These added protections are clearly defined in the legal code, which lists a variety of actions that employers must refrain from inflicting on employees. As a result, the state and local laws offer more sweeping protections against actions like being fired in retaliation for complaining about sexual harassment. Our legal team understands how to leverage local, state and federal laws to build your case and help you to win in court.

Get a Legal Consultation Immediately

Wrongful termination in retaliation for making sexual harassment complaints is a serious legal matter. We advise you to contact our legal firm as soon as possible. We can help you learn how to collect records that document the chain of events. Proving retaliation on paper might seem unusual to you at first, but you can learn how to do it correctly.

Keep all documents related to the termination, and try to get everything in writing. This includes the filing of the EEOC complaint, which should contain details like the time, date and follow-up actions taken. Establishing causation between the complaint and the wrongful termination is the key to winning your case. Contact Leeds Brown Law today to set up a consultation if you were fired for complaining of sexual harassment on the job.

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